Condé Nast Traveller listed Fjällnäs Est. 1882 as one of…
“As if its waterside location with panoramic views of the…
Fjällnäs is presented in the Netherland based woman magazine Elegance. 141130_Elegance.nl_Zin in…
“Hotel rooms with charm, Off the radar” – Fjällnäs mentioned…
The Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten has an article about Fjällnäs…
Behind the extensive restoration work and careful preparation of the…
In Travel+Leisure, Heather Smith Macisaac checks in to four new…
“Fjällnäs ist eine skandinavidche Hotellegende. Einsam an einem jämtländischen Bergee…
Fjällnäs is mentioned of Financial Times Deutschlands lifestil-expert Wäis Kiani Mr…