Fly fishing in the mountains
In the waters around Fjällnäs, you will find fish like trout, char and so Härjedalens own provincial fish - the grayling.

Now, life is simple and the days of Sadonkorjuunaika flow by at a leisurely pace. Nature is wearing her finest gown and the countryside is awash with a wealth of delicacies, ripe for the picking. Everything we need can be found on the mountainside.
Wherever we turn, there are hidden treasuries of dew-fresh mushrooms and sun-matured berries. The mighty musk ox, Umingmak – The Bearded One, subject of many a tale and legend, is browsing unconcernedly among the low-growing birches. The mating season has just ended, and all his energies go into building up reserves to withstand the shortages of next winter.
Despite the bounty of the season, the coming period of darkness is already starting to make itself felt. The light evenings are becoming shorter, and the mists are rolling down the slopes to gather silently on the surface of the shining lake.
The sight of the wooden rowing boat floating ghostlike on the white mist, fishing line disappearing into eternity, sets the pulse racing and every sense is heightened. It is now during Sadonkorjuunaika that larders are being replenished. It is now that the light period is beginning to end.
In the waters around Fjällnäs, you will find fish like trout, char and so Härjedalens own provincial fish - the grayling.
The area around Fjällnäs is considered one of the country’s best areas for mountain biking.
Running in the mountains will give you an opportunity to truly understand its primitive power.
Golf in the mountains is an outdoor experience beyond the ordinary.
To stride over the mountains, swamps and moors is what we do a lot of at Fjällnäs.
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